Wellness Within Reach

You’re looking to feel better, and there’s no one who understands that feeling more than I do. It’s discouraging to feel like your body isn’t working the way it should be, and to be limited in the foods you can eat. I’ve been there. In fact, I lived in that state for years, because I didn’t have someone like me to guide me in the right direction and help me along the way.

I thought I’d share a bit of my story in hopes that it will communicate just how MUCH I understand what you’re going through, and how dedicated I am to guiding people into better health and overall wellness.

Maybe my story will sound like yours, maybe it will sound very different.

But in either case, my personal experience with a severe digestive disease for nearly a decade has led me to a true understanding of what it takes to feel well, and what it felt like to be utterly exhausted from trying to figure out what was going on with my body.

My health started taking a turn for the worse in a pretty common way. At first I felt bloated after eating 🚩, I’d undo a button on my pants and think nothing of it. But after ignoring that initial sign of an unhealthy gut, my symptoms started getting worse and worse. I ended up feeling so horrible after eating.

Later I started noticing that I felt like I had so little energy throughout the day 🚩. I chalked it up to having a lot on my plate at home and at work. I didn’t even think of these as red flags at first…little did I know that they would turn into a very serious issue later. I wish I had someone like me in my corner back then.

During that time, my work in marketing and my personal life became really stressful and because my gut was already having these issues, they spiraled out of control (I’ll spare you the details!). For nearly 10 years I watched my overall health decline, becoming very thin, pale, weak, exhausted, depressed, malnutritioned, frustrated, and desperate for solutions. Health coaches weren’t easy to find then, and ones you did find didn’t have the kind of knowledge I needed. It took years of trying diets, different types of doctors, and just about every option I could find, only to be told that I’d have to take pills, cut out foods, and live with symptoms for the rest of my life.

I kept thinking “This isn’t me. This isn’t how my body should work. I have to figure this out for myself.” I took to the books and began studying everything I could about the body and specifically the different functions of the gut and its delicate ecosystem. I studied everything from ayurveda and plant medicine to alopathic medicine. I took a job at a wellness brand dedicated to promoting longevity and health. I enrolled in a program specifically to help myself and others, and eventually healed what doctors said would be a life-long disease.

And here we are today. I just finished eating a piece of birthday cake and don’t have to worry about the repercussions. With my cleints, I have seen incredible transformations in the body, mind, and spirit of those whom I’ve been lucky enough to guide and collaborate with on their health.

Each day, I wake up knowing that I can help people feel better and live happier, healthier, longer lives. It’s truly a gift that my years of suffering has helped me find my calling.

I hope my story inspires you to know that your wellness is within reach. I hope we can be partners in that endeavor.

Be well,


Areas of Focus:

Guiding and inspiring growth and change in areas of your life that affect overall health and wellness.

Seeing the body as whole to pinpoint issues and provide strategies for improving general wellness.

The digestive system is directly responsible for so many other areas of our body. It controls 70% of our immune system, runs the course of our entire body, is considered the Second Brain, and has the ability to affect things like:

  • Digestive health and symptom management

  • Nervous system regulation (calming anxiety and stress, etc.)

  • Mental wellness and lifestyle fulfillment

  • Nutrient and Mineral Supplementation

  • Immune function (unexplained illnesses, allergies, sinus infections, etc)

  • Which nutrients in your food are provided to your body

  • Bloodwork review

  • Acne and skin conditions

  • …so much more

Your body’s organs are interconnected, and many researchers believe the digestive system is the hub. For that reason, I’ve spent a majority of my studies focussed on how to improve digestive/gut health as a means to eliminating other health concerns.