Tell-Tale Signs Your Iron Levels May Be Low and What To Do About It

So you want to know if your iron levels are low? I’d recommend asking your doctor to run a couple tests. The first is TIBC, which measures the amount of iron that can be bound by proteins in the blood, and Ferritin levels, which tells us how much iron your body stores for later use.

But until you do those tests, here are some things to consider as signs of iron deficiency:

  1. Beeturia - or orange, pink, or red urine after eating beets

  2. Winded going up stairs?

  3. Craving tomatoes, red meat, or the urge to chomp on ice

  4. Are you female? Because if so, you lose iron each month, and if you aren’t replenishing that through food or supplements, you may very well need more iron.

  5. Pale lip color and cold hands and feet? That’s one tell-tale sign of deficiency in the blood

  6. General exhaustion

  7. Hair that is dull, dry, sheds a lot, or is lackluster in appearance

One recommendation I make is for those needing to up their Iron levels: Consider food-based iron supplements that are made to be easily digested. Our bodies know how to use and convert these sources of nutrients, and they won’t cause constipation like the ones a doctor will prescribe from the chemical pharmaceutical companies. My favorite is Ferro Food from Standard Process (no affiliation, just love their products).

Want to learn more about your body? Consider a health coaching session so you can better understand what your body needs to feel great.

Be well,



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