How To Beat The Common Cold and Boost Your Immune System
It’s that time of year, unfortunately. The time of year so many people come down with a cold, flus, and viral illness as a result of traveling, kids’ germs, weakened immune systems, and chillier weather. But there are things you can do to both feel better if you get sick and to help keep your body fortified so you don’t get sick. Scroll through my go-to’s when it comes to ensuring my clients are supporting their bodies during the sick-season. Links to some of my trusted brands are included.
Boost Immune Function with Nutrients and Herbals
There are essential nutrients your body needs to defend your body against bacterial and viral infections. Below you’ll see some of my favorites:
Vitamin C: 1,000-2,000 mg daily. (Note: anything over 2,000mg may end up giving you diarrhea, you’ve been warned!)
Vitamin D: 5,000-10,000 IU daily for a few days if you’re deficient. (Tip: Get a Vitamin D that has both D and K2 for optimized absorption).
Zinc: 20-30 mg daily of capsules or Zinc losenges
Use Herbal Remedies
Oil of Oregano: Nature’s antibacterial and antiviral because it contains carvacrol and thymol. These can help combat respiratory infections and bacterial issues that sometimes accompany colds. (Tip: don’t get the drops, get capsules - it’s incredible pungent!)
Elderberry syrup: 1-2 teaspoons daily (antiviral and immune-boosting). (Note: do not use elderberry if you have an autoimmune condition, as it boost the immune system)
Astragalus: A mild adaptogen that supports immunity. (Note: avoid this though if you already have a fever).
3. Stay Hydrated with Healing Fluids
Staying hydrated helps thin mucus and flush out the system so you can expel it more easily. It also helps keep your immune system functioning optimally. Drink water, teas like ginger or peppermint, bone broths and my favorite Digestive Relief Tea that is very calming in general. You can also drink warm water with a little lemon, honey, and a pinch of sea salt for electrolytes and for soothing your throat.
Your body does a lot of its recovery during sleep, so its important to sleep 8-10 hours per night while you’re sick, and to do whatever you can to make sure it’s quality sleep. If you’re feeling tired it’s your body’s signal to take a nap.
5. Steam Inhalation and Nasal Support
If you’re feeling congestion in your sinuses or your chest, Use steam inhalation with essential oils like eucalyptus, tea tree, or thyme to open up sinuses. Perform nasal rinses with a saline spray or neti pot to clear congestion.
6. An Onion?!
Some people swear by it, and there’s some explanations for why it might work. So, if you’re feeling adventurous, slice 1/4th inch slices of white onion and place them on the bottoms of your feet, then put on socks and go to sleep. Onions contain sulfur compounds (like allicin) that have antimicrobial properties. Your feet are extremely porous so your body absorbs those sulfur compounds directly! It would make sense that it might help fight off some forms of sickness. OR you can take a garlic supplement (the main source of allicin) if you’d prefer not to sleep with slices of onion!
Best of luck to you and if you’re feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon!
If you’re needing a little extra support right now and want some personalized guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out below!