The SIBO BiPhasic Phase 1 Food List

What is SIBO? Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, is a condition where bacteria from the large intestine move upwards and grow too much in the small intestine, causing problems. This often coincides, or is a result of constipation (or less than one bowel movement per day) because the intestines aren’t able to flush bacteria down and out of the digestive tract before it can overgrow.

The symptoms of SIBO can vary, but here are some common ones:

  1. Bloating: You might feel like your belly is swollen and full of gas. This happens because the bacteria in the small intestine produce gases when they break down carbohydrates.

  2. Abdominal pain: You may experience crampy or general pain in your belly. It can come and go or be there all the time.

  3. Diarrhea: SIBO can make you have loose or watery poop. The excess bacteria can mess up how your body digests and absorbs food.

  4. Constipation: Instead of diarrhea, some people with SIBO get constipated. The bacterial overgrowth can affect how your gut moves things along.

  5. Farting: The increased gas production in your small intestine can make you pass more gas and feel gassy in general.

  6. Feeling full quickly: You might feel like your stomach is full even after eating a small amount of food.

  7. Nutritional problems: SIBO can interfere with absorbing important nutrients like certain vitamins (A, D, E, K) and vitamin B12. This can lead to deficiencies and eventually cause other symptoms!

Do you have SIBO? To get an idea of if SIBO is your issue, or to alleviate the symptoms of SIBO, phase 1 of the BiPhasic Diet can be extremely effective. Do this for 5 days and if you feel significantly better, reintroduce foods strategically (or work with a health coach to do so!) to figure out what triggers your symptoms.

Want to start a 5-day Biphasic Diet trial? Anything not on the list is a no-go, but feel free to eat any of the below:

Protein: meat, fish, chicken, and eggs.

Vegetables: (unlimited amounts)

Alfalfa sprouts, Bamboo shoots, Bell pepper, Bok choy, Carrots, Chives, Cucumber, Eggplant, Ginger, Kale, Lettuce, Olives, Radish, Arugula, Chard, Green onion (green tops only) and Tomatoes.

Vegetables: (limited amounts)

Asparagus – 1 spear

Artichoke – 1/8 cup

Beetroot – 2 slices

Broccoli – ½ a cup

Brussel sprouts – 2 each

Cabbage – ½ cup

Savoy cabbage – ¾ cup

Celery – 1 stick

Green beans – 10 each

Green peas ¼ cup

Pumpkin – ¼ cup

Snow peas – 5 pods

Spinach – 15 leaves

Zucchini ¾ cup


Almonds – 10 ea

Hazelnuts – 10 ea

Macadamias – 20 ea

Pecans – 10 ea

Pine nuts – 1 tbsp

Pumpkin seeds – 2 tbsp

Sesame seeds – 1 tbsp

Sunflower seeds – 2 tsp

Walnuts – 10 ea

Fruits: Lemons and limes

Condiments and Seasonings:

Mayonnaise (sugarless), Mustard (without garlic), Tabasco, Vinegar (apple cider, distilled, white/red), Wasabi, All fresh and dried herbs and spices but not the spice blends.

Cooking oils:

Coconut, Ghee, Grapeseed, MCT, Olive

Whew, ok! I know it seems extremely limiting compared to what you’re probably eating already, but the results can provide super helpful information to health practitioners like myself or doctor’s helping you treat your digestive issues.

Here’s to getting you feeling better!

Be well,


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